
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

some stuff i almost lost 2

poetic justice

i thought this was amazing...everyone did such a great job.

if you want to post yours underneath please feel free. i wish all bulletins were like this!

Legend has it that Ernest Hemingway was once challenged to write a story in only SIX WORDS.
The result was "For sale: baby shoes, never used."

Here's an interesting and challenging activity. Try to compose YOUR story (the story of YOU) in EXACTLY six words (no more, no less). For some, this may be painful. (It's very hard to tell your whole story in six words.)

Just to see what we come up with, maybe we could do one of those add-on things and Copy this bulletin and paste it into a new one with yours. Then post the bulletin as "".

Carin: Lives planned perfectly will imperfectly unfold.
Kayla: Fate lay in dreams yet realized.
Dre: Life's easy with your eyes shut.
Keigh: Appreciate mistakes for what they are!
EJ: Many pages turned, very little read.
Colby: A moment of clarity never rendered.
Moot: They've swollen, the size of softballs!
Herb: What sucks now will always suck.
Larry: I came, I saw, I drank.
King Iggy: Born to raise hell, then died.
Nicole: Life is full of little dissapointments.
Mike J: I wonder what else I forgot.
Mandy: The future starts today, not tomorrow.
Arie: Water is actually, with persuasion, flammable.
Kris: Live, love, dream, and be happy.
Jessica: All this work for one screw.
james: SALE: parachute, used once - small stain
Bagheera: I'm still learning how to breathe.
Brandice: Even teachers must never stop learning
Brandy: My mind is a blank scrapbook
Katy: Living is much more than breathing.
Chuck: Find my way proves very difficut.
Caity: Dreams come true in baffling ways.
Sarah: Crazy cat lady seeks true love.
Eric: Playing the cards I was dealt.
Chelsea: Had directions, so I'm going elsewhere
Dano:He entertained none more than himself.
Phillip: Donny, you're out of your element.
Cho: Hey, where the white women at?!
::Jacki-OH:: Move bitch, get out the way.
Camille: Low flying social butterfiles die young
Brandon: Lost in space, room mate wanted.
Collette: Repeating same actions, expecting different results.
Steve: Steve is funny, funny don't pay.
Kanani: Expected to return as a Manatee.
Mr. Brightside: Orphan blossoms to bestseller, seeks enlightenment.
Celia: Twirling wide open, fear and all.
El Ghost Host: Never stopped laughing, even through tears
tamar- full plate. empty chair.spilled milk.
Mr.Paz®: Singing Lounge versions of elevator music.
~Kari~: Love, nothing but a fairy tale........
{Cori} How about Chocolate and wine, sis?????
CherylJ. ~ Appreciate the miracles. Forget the rest.
Taryn Darkness fell, now there's only light
Amanda~ It's all written in The Book
Jessica: Aww hell no!.. this is it?
Amanda K. ~ I lived it according to ME!
Selina ~ I love my life right now!
Stephanie ~ It hurts, keeping it all inside
Que- Life's a bitch, then you die!
Rhonda - For sale; used heart, slightly dead.
Elizabeth: Life is learned through agaphy love.
Lauren: Ernest Hemingway did a better job.
Asian Cajun: My lucky break has been broken.
Joey: I've been everywhere, but haven't left
Jenny: Live love breathe sweat hurt hope.

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