
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I'm really thirsty. Why am I blogging about it? I'm too lazy to go to the kitchen :D

I'm working on a lil present for a friend..a children's story. The older I get, the more I appreciate genuine people.I finished most of it but I'm stuck a bit at the beginning of the end. I'm also trying to decide how I want to do the writing on the pages.

I ordered a green acoustic guitar. I'm going to teach myself to play. Its ridiculous I haven't learned yet, when I'm obsessed with folk music.Besides, if I'm playing guitar, people have to listen to me sing :D I've never tried to write song lyrics, only poetry. I wonder what kind of songs I will create. What the words will say. What I will feel. That's a ways away, first I have to learn the basics, but I'm looking forward to that.

Tomorrow a lock smith will come.  I'll finally get the key to the trunk, which will allow me to change the light that is broken, which will allow me to get a new inspection sticker, which will allow me to get new insurance, which will allow me to chill the fuck out when I drive. I'm soooo nervous about getting pulled over by a copper right now because he can ticket me for so many things..I don't even know if my insurance is still valid.the paper is locked in the glove compartment. Same key as the trunk.

I wish I had a good girlfriend here in New Orleans. Its really sad and I really miss Dilek. I would say Teri but she turned out to be a narcissist. If Dilek was here I'd be so happy about it. Even a new girlfriend would be acceptable. The problem is most people are stupid. They are either self important or stupid. I want a genuine person to be my girl friend. So hard to find :( I do love my sisters. We are just very different. Marion and I have been closer since she became an adult, and Christine and I have been less close since she became an "adult". I put it in quotes b/c I don't think she really is, but whatever, she has a kid so I'm supposed to call her an adult. I don't think smoking pot and letting your kid watch cartoons all day is being an adult, but whatever. What do I know.

I was looking forward to Marion moving in with us, but now that my parents aren't losing the house, that may not happen. I'd like to move out. Mom drives me nuts, really. Neither she or Mr. B will do the dishes. I'm like the dishes slave. If I don't do them, they don't get done. Its so weird. Look, no one likes to do the dishes. Doing the dishes is the worst thing ever. But I shouldn't be the only one to do them. Yes its her house, and I live here, but I pay bills here also. If you go in the kitchen right now, its not pretty. And I know she's just going to get an attitude with me about it. Eh why am I complaining lol. I'm lucky to have a home to do dishes in. Silly Jen.

BTW, since this blog began, I have finished drinking a glass of water.  But not the ice.

I want Theron to live with me and Matt. I want Matt, theron and Me to live together. In a big wooden house, on land where I can grow a garden. And go fishing nearby. I don't care if I never catch anything, but I want to sit with the pole and a few beers on a dock or under a tree with a blanket and talk to the men I love. I want a dog. A big, kind, lovable dog, that is so happy and comfy in our home. I want people to feel welcome in our house, but only genuine people. I don't want any bad energy there. I want to sit there, and have a library, and big comfy chairs,and maybe a fireplace with burning logs, and we can open books and read the best lines in them. Matt will make fun of everything and be much smarter than Theron and I, and Theron will be silly and I'll laugh at them and be emotional and tell them how much I love them. My family. I choose my family. This is the one I choose. Matt and I will make Theron watch project runway.  He'll complain that it is gay. Then he'll go in his room and play with his action figures

Tomorrow is David Gray. My dad's favorite. Matt and I are going. 



  1. <3 <3 <3 wonderful post. good u were bored to go to the kitchen!!!

  2. I was..and update.

    Parents have been keeping the kitchen clean. I'm most happy.
