
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Poems to be edited, why I want to be healthy.

Theron Jackson April 12, 2010 at 8:24pm Report
Why I want to be healthy

By Theron Jackson

When I was born I came out second being a twin and all, my twin brother was nine pounds and three ounces. And I was six pounds and nothing, my mother had concerns, but her doctor told her not to worry. Because I was going to fill out, all that loose skin, and as time went to pass. My mother found that he was right. Growing up as the fat kid in my life, I always wanted to know how it would feel to be a little lighter in weight. I mean it gets kinda old being called Fat Albert by your first girlfriend in kindergarten. And to keep telling her your name is Theron, only to realize that Fat Albert was a really obese cartoon figment of “Bill Cosby‘s” imagination. Anyway as I grew up I had frequent visits to the doctor and most of my problems were because of my weight. I’m the only one in my family, whose not marry or have kids. Now that doesn’t have anything to do with my weight. I just have trusting issues. But I do want to have kids one day, or one kid some day. Unless their twins then two kids. And I know, if I don’t take better care of myself and live a healthy life style, I won‘t be around to see that happen. It’s hard for me to do things, that most people can without trying. I’ve had kidney problems and I’m a borderline a diabetic. My bones hurt from the weight of my own body, and because of the kidney problems. I’ve had loss of appetite so finding a solution for diets and not being able to eat certain foods. Well it gets a little aggravating to live life and that’s not fair, especially if I can change it. So Having this procedure done is an easy part. Maintaining my progress to continue on the healthy path it’s a journey I’m eager to take. I’ve had many second chances in my life and blew most of them. My father ask me once so when does a man begin to grow. I guess when he realize that life and love is something far to

List of poems:

Theron Jackson
 September 14, 2010 at 2:05pm Report
Ok here's a list of poems that need to be looked over love u.

Killers of kind
tornado flood
she said a dying girl
pretty skeletons in the dark
the lizard is crazy
inside my dreams of sunshine
as i witness the window breaks
acrylic star dust
black rose
canary ocean gleam
day break in the meadow
disillusion lullaby
kill myself
lazy dandelions

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