This weekend was R-O-C-K-I-N!!~!!1!!
Went skydiving..obviously..with a certain Mr. Matt Leblanc...first time I've seen him since college and what a way to take me out!! We had a MARVELOUS time..seriously..conversation..we drove there ..2 hours..then waited 6 and a half hours to jump..and then had dinner..and drove another 2 hours home...and we had a fucking blast with each other. It's so nice to see people you knew when you were don't have to pretend or feel each other out. You can just be your sarcastic witty selves, which Mr. Leblanc and I do extremely well :D
So yes. Skydiving..waited 6 and a half hours...through a few jumps and a broken plane..(got repaired while we were waiting..only time I felt nervous during the whole thing.)
We finally boarded the plane..Matt didn't even jump..he has a neck injury..the doctor grounded him for like 3 months, poor thing..but he paid for me and just wanted me to have a great time...go Matt!
So we boarded the plane...6 of us squashed up plus the pilot. It was opening day so the guys were so friendly and fun. Took us 45 minutes almost to get to 10,000 feet...then three guys in front of us jumped together..and my tandem instructor Corey and I moved to the door. He had me tuck my legs under the plane, and put my head on his shoulder. I thought there would be a lot more time sitting at the edge of the plane but sooner had we gotten there then he rolled us out.
Then we dropped for awhile at was insane..i didn't even have time to think omfg I'm dropping in the sky...Then he pulled the chute.
The chute pull was a bit violent..I have some battle scars, mostly on my head. I banged my head against his helment pretty hard, hard enough for it to daze me and for a huge lump to appear pretty quickly. My feet flew up and I almost kicked myself in the face lol...But he wrapped his legs around mine and got us under control pretty quickly.
Then it got quiet. Really quiet. He let me guide the chute by the pulls...we did some spins..they made me giggle. We basically spooned for 10,000 feet lol. His words not mine :)
It was INCREDIBLE. AMAZING..better than sex, better than anything I've ever experienced. It was so so so sos ososososoosos beautiful, and peaceful, and freeing. I'll never loose that image of the earth..just gliding toward it..gently..everything quiet and THE SUN SETTING. So amazing...our landing was ok..he fell over me a bit but i was so fucking happy i didn't care. Only wish it had lasted longer...
Coolest thing ever. ever ever..I'm so going back as much as I can. He gave me a student when I start classes I'll have that jump on record :D
I suggest everyone go and spoon with Corey :D He's quite a good spooner.
On a more personal level...we were very very close was ...exhilarating feeling someone that close to me again..with no stresses...we were both there to do a job somewhat. Incredible how falling from 10000 feet with another person so close on your back is such a personal experience. I'll never forget him.
Matt was amazing also..we laughed a lot. I wonder...
It's weird..when you get rare it is just to find someone you can talk to like that...your expectations change.
So that was Saturday..and I slept at my sisters' house in Bourg.
Sunday I woke up hurting...from the jump I'm assuming. Makes me want to work out. :)
Marion and Christine got in an actual physical fight....Marion had Christine by the hair and they were both punching each other...and was the most awful thing I've ever seen. And Kylie saw it..and started screaming and crying get off my mommy..let her go. I had long talks with both of them after. They said it was the first time they've ever come to blows...but it was ridiculous. The psychological reasons for it are very clear..Christine being the youngest of all of us feels like we don't see her as an adult..Marion talking to her in a certain tone...Christine being overly defensive, Marion's temper..I think she needs to get on Prozac like me...I had the same temper as her and it was ruining my life. Anyway..I don't know if I made progress but I tried to mediate and have some serious adult conversations about psychology, sisterhood, and communication.
I think I'll make a good psychologist.
After that Christine, Dustin and Kylie took off for New Orleans to visit my mom, and Marion, Codybuck and I went swimmming at Cody's mom's house...We were gettin a bit of sun while Cody played on the Bobcat (boys :P) and then it started pouring rain. Ugh..figures the one day I go swimming out of the entire summer it will rain. Booo.
Still had fun though, Marion and I talked a lot, about happy things :D
OH right..and Friday, we drove to Baton Rouge and visited Emily..I bought her car for 400's a 92 BUT she took excellent care of it..runs like a tires...I love it. no radio or AC though, but that's fine, I'm simple. I'm happy with a car that runs, looks like it wont give me trouble, I also have my mp3 player to tote around with :)
Got to spend some good time with Emily while we were going through the buying/insurance process...I miss her so much..she's so lovely.
So, tomorrow I'm having coffee/water (I hate coffee!) with Patrick..who will hopefully become a good friend..he seems like fun..this will be date number 2 from the dating site..but I think this one will be a lot different than the alien/awol military guy with bad teeth. Patrick seems like someone I'd be friends with regardless.
I have to work on my project!! I wish I could block all these sites till this thursday...
Dedication :D
ReplyDeletebetter than sex.
but so much scarier too.
glad u did this n had such a special time. it s still scary to me though. lol.