Ok..Jesse was nice...very intelligent..quite obsessed with what he calls Archeoastronomy?
Something about aliens telling people round the mayan times to build stonehenge, pyramids, and other stuff. Kinda sent off my crazy bell but that wasn't the strongest factor..after all I'm not the sanest nut in the tree.
He had really bad teeth though. Like bad. Can't do that..sorry. But it was nice to spend a bit of time with someone low key..no akward moments...just straight up good conversation.
He's been to Iraq, Afganistan, and Kenya. Ouch. I think he might be Awol...he said something about not using his social security number in awhile so that they can't find him...
Yeah so...Guy called me last night..he was feeling a bit nostalgic and lonely..
You know it's funny..he's not as bad as I thought he was..some of the shady shit I believed he did, well it turns out he didn't.
I invited him over for dinner..so did my mom...(although she didn't tell me, she's sneaky like that). He came over..we watched a very typical Guy movie...realistic...artist..scotch drinker..just days in the life of this guy..he swooned over certain scenes like he always has done when he gets excited about photography. in revenge for making me watch that..I made him go with me to Harry Potter...which was horrible.
The highlight of the movie was the guy sleeping and snoring so loudly in the corner..we took turns throwing things at him and running up to him to get him to wake up lol.
I'm wondering if I threw away my marriage too quickly. There are a plethora of things I love about that man...I think I just got bored..and a bit annoyed at some of his traits. I told him we should maybe date again. He had mentioned it before.
I don't know...I miss him though. I don't know that I'm ready to fall in love again...Mike is still a bleeding wound...and Guy knows that.
Gonna work on my research project for the rest of the week and try to pass that class.
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aha. then no. alien obsessing s creeping out a bit. unless u r mulder. then it s acceptable or u r the the coolest person ever.