I'm feeling quite bored and creative today and unfortunately I'm not finding my outlet.
So I made this blog.
All I have left to do is study this month and pay my little bills. I want to finish these exams as soon as possible so I can move!!!!
Salient left this morning after a lovely weekend...and I miss him already.
His smile.
His love. My love. I miss him terribly :(
I'm ready to run...I need better shoes though. The ones I have are annoying.
I'm trying to quit smoking but I don't want to. I want to because it is expensive and I know I'll be in better shape if I exercise instead of smoke. But it's so nice..so relaxing and romantic.
I might have found a photographer to take some pictures of me.
I am getting a fever blister. This is a type of Herpes. I hadn't had one in like 10 years, until I broke up with my husband and started kissing people when I was drunk. It's my favorite thing to do when I am drunk. I don't care if you are a boy or a girl, I will want to kiss you when I am drunk. Unfortunately now I have this stupid infection from kissing someone. Kissing is not innocent..people...beware..
Salient's soon-to-be ex-wife called him and was screaming at him from the top of her lungs that he was neglecting his kids for a piece of pussy. I wonder if she has ever seen A LOVE SONG FOR BOBBY LONG. (picture above). In that movie, John Travolta clearly explains the magic of a piece of pussy. I should send her a copy with the time of the story about that wonderous piece of pussy highlighted.
Hunny must die.
Speaking of killing people, in my dream last night there was a murderous creep after me. He had long pointy small knives clipped onto his fingernails. In the first part of the dream, he attacked me and I killed him. However I was scared because I was afraid a jury wouldn't believe my self defence stance. So I burned the clothes, or my family did, and I was scrubbing blood stains from the carpet. So then in my dream, the police find out anyway, and he gets sent to jail. Well I follow him to jail, where he knows the jailor and the jailor sets him free. So for a short time in my dream I'm avoiding him in the jailyard, trying to find a way out while he's getting out, his sharp razor nail clips gleaming in the sun. Everyone knows him by name. I learn that I'm the only person he's gone after that has escaped him. This makes me his number one priority. Great.
I let my family know and we all become prepared for his arrival. Of course he will try to kill me again. So we are having a get together, and I walk down a semi-dark hallway (why am I walking down a dark hallway in my house alone when there is a crazy person after me? I don't know.) and he tries to trip me from a doorway. But he misses. Next thing is my sister slitting his throat. I tell her to do it deep because the last time I tried to slit his throat, I thought he was dead but he wasn't. She says there is no way he could survive that. And sure enough water is pouring out of his body (instead of blood) and he looks dead alright. We leave the room to call 911. For some reason my sister tells the lady that it's just a small emergency and whenever she can send help is ok. I get really nervous and aggitated having him in the house and call back and tell them to send someone ASAP, there is a dead murderer in the house. Then I go back to check on him, not believing that he could truly be dead, he came back once afterall.
I look in the room and he is blinking. and smiling at me. I freak out and run to him, with a knife, and start tearing up his throat..I mean like I'm inside the slit my sister made, cutting up everything in sight, his jugular, all the meat, I'm slashing up into his neck..my sister is telling me to stop..they'll put him in jail it's enough..and I'm reminding her of how easily he got out last time. She shuts up and watches me carve him up. His neck is in ruins..there is no way he can live.
I woke up with the image of that carved up meaty neck in my brain.
Honestly it wasn't a very disturbing dream, even though I know it sounds like it was. I normally don't have dreams like this so it should have been disturbing right? but there weren't any parts where he was hurting me or anything..it was always me kicking his ass. Except for the being scared of him seeing me in jail part..it wasn't a good dream, but it wasn't a nightmare necessarily.
I really would like to write more because I'm totally bored.
I hate it when people fall in love with you and you don't love them.
Or vice versa. It's not nice and God should not let it happen.
I'd like a pet rabbit. I had one once but it ate all my weed.
I don't really smoke anymore though so that shouldn't be a problem. However the last one I had was very unfriendly. And they poop A LOT.
Max needs a friend. Max is my kitten. I think I'll get another kitty, eventually.
i m so so glad u made this blog. woohoo. it s good u were bored n creative in the first place.