
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

ahh..camel lights.

How am I going to quit smoking when I enjoy it so much? Ahhhh.
Evil temptress.

What do you call a male temptress? a tempter? I'm pretty sure ciggs have a penis.

My mom is painting the stairs black and white atm. She is painting every other one so I can still walk downstairs. This cracks me up for some reason.

I was reading my old livejournal..which I can no longer log into (forgot the password) but I can still see thanks to The Best Amanda. I had some fun love times with Guy. I always forget about them because he's such a bloody wanker.

It's hard to remember good times with people when you break up with them.
Is that just me?
I don't know. But it's true.

Especially when they continue wanker behavior.

They are showing the Michael Jackson memorial clips from today on the news right now.
I still don't think he molested those kids. He was definitely off the beaten path though.

Reminds me of that Robert Frost poem "The Road Less Traveled"
Something like
"Two roads divided in a wood, and I
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."

Maybe it's too grand for him..I don't know. I always think the best of people.

It gets me in a state of hurt a lot, becuase people aren't always as good as I give them credit for.

I'm thinking of just staying here for two more years and finishing my degree. I'm so frackin close...I don't think it's the best time to move waaaa.

Max is being super loving today since Salient n Sassy(the black cat) left. I guess it's because he doesn't have to show off in front of Sassy anymore and he doesn't have to share me with Salient.
He's back to his whiny self. Constantly giving me love and kitty kisses and whining when I don't give him all the love he wants back.

Kitties are so win.

Last night was overly dramatic..Talked to Hunny. I don't know why. She called me white trash and I was like..come on know that's not me...we were friends..but if you want to believe that because it helps you heal then go ahead. Then she changed her tune and tried to convince me Salient was lying to me. She had no proof but she made me spin. It was like 2:30 AM at this point with frantic myspace messages pouring in, email communication. She asked me to live with her in Washington, go to Vegas with her and mentioned coming to visit me. I hate how it always has to be her team or his. I want to be friendly with her, I care about her and I actually like her but I can't have her trying to convince me of Salient's evil nature...which I know is untrue.

Gimme a break. So I blocked her on myspace. Don't want to, but man..I can't communicate with her like this.

I wish people could just chill the fuck out man. Not everything has to be so dramafied. tired of being in Louisiana. I know the hurricane is a-comin'. Just you wait, Henry Higgins, just you wait.