
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.

Friday, July 17, 2009

I have a new theory.

I've known for awhile that he is kind of a "go with the flow" kind of guy, until he finally puts his foot down, which can seem kind of sudden to those around him even if he has been thinking about it for awhile.

I think that he wasn't ready for a relationship of the intensity that we had. I knew this might happen, which is why I suggested that he spend some time for himself instead of us jumping right in. I had time after Guy left to get myself together and figure out what it was I wanted. He needed this time. He refused it because I think he's afraid of being alone. Did I scare him away? Possibly. However in my opinion it's more his fault. He let me think that everything was perfect and that he wanted this level of intensity instead of letting me know that he wasn't sure, that he wasn't ready, and that he was having doubts. The day you break up with someone is NOT the day that you should have this first conversation. It was really unfair to me.

Especially because if he had wanted to slow down, and take time for himself, I would have been supportive. But that wasn't it. He can't be alone. He spins from one person to the next. He spun right from me, and instead of deciding to take time for himself, he calls his wife the same day and tells her he loves her come back.

No one should ever work that fast. How can he think it's going to work when he hasn't given himself time to know himself or to heal? He hated her last week. I know hate and love are complicated emotions often walking side by side however, I'm pretty sure that he feels good being a martyr to his marriage and kids. Gemini's LOVE to be marytrs for causes. It's our very favorite thing. He must see self-sacrifice as the greatest feeling...which it can be..but I don't think this is the best thing for him.

Or her.

Or them.

Or last and least, me...

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